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Sunday Services:

  • 9:00 a.m Small Group Bible Study

  • 10:00 a.m Morning Worship/Children’s Church

  • 5:00 p.m Adult Choir

  • 6:00 p.m Evening Worship


  • 8:00 a.m Men’s Prayer Time


  • 6:00 p.m Wednesday Night Meal

  • 7:00 p.m Prayer Meeting/Youth/Kids Mission Friends



  • 10:00am Ladies Bible Study

Children's Ministry

Our Children's ministry consists of children between preschool and 6th grade. (There is also a nursery provided!) Our Kids attend Children's Church at 10:00am on Sundays and are broken up into age groups so they get the most optimal learning experience about God. There are also activities on Wednesday night's, as well as Sunday Nights (Excluding Summer). We have a hard-working Children's staff that are dedicated in discipling your children towards Jesus. Join us as our children's department continues to grow! 

Youth Ministry

Our Youth department consists of students between 7th and 12th grade. Our students are involved in Wednesday night Bible studies, Sunday night discussions, and have respective boys and girls small groups at 9:00am on Sundays. Join us as we grow in the ways of discipleship and learn to spread God's word to all those we come in contact with!

Praise & Worship
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Join us for worship on Sundays and Wednesdays led by Bro. Mitch Osborne! We combine contemporary and traditional music to form a unique worship time for God. We strive to not put on a performance, but to include all those in the congregation to join in as we praise the one true Father together! We are merely here to allow God's word in song to touch the lives of all who attend.

Small Groups

Ridglea Heights has a Small group for everybody! Some of the classes we have consist of: children, youth, singles, married, college & career, young couples, and much more! There is a class for you at Ridglea Heights that YOU belong in to further grow in your relationship with Christ. Join us as fellow Christian brothers and sisters study the word of God and pray for one another!

Prayer Groups

We have several prayer groups that take place throughout the week. Men's prayer time takes place on Tuesday morning's at 8:00am. Wednesday night we gather for a short message, followed by a time of prayer. Our Ladies Bible Study also meets on Thursdays at 10:00am! Join us in any of these special times during the week!

Men's Breakfast

Men's breakfast is open to men of all age every 3rd Sunday morning at 7:30am.(Except Summer) We encourage all men to attend as we grow closer to one another and God over some delicious breakfast. Cooking begins at 5:30am and eating begins at 7:30am. There is a devotion led by one of our men every month! Join us in this special time!

Russet Potatoes
Wednesday Night Meals

Our meals are every Wednesday night at 6:00pm before our usual activities begin. This is a great time to fellowship and get some food for the whole family.

Prices are:

$4 Per Person

Kids 2 & Under: Free

Max Per Family: $12

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